IELTS Online Classes at Hope English

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IELTS Online Classes at Hope English

Since Quarter I 2020, Hope English has undertaken online classes via internet based learning apps  such as Zoom or Google Meet. These technologies bring a huge platform and advantages the learners to achieve the English learning target and are not required to travel to class.  It truly useful for the traffic congestion big city like HCM or those who live far from  studying centres.


 Learners are not required to travel to class and can participate at any time and place with wifi available to computer/laptop or smart-phone. Classes will long between 90 to 180 minutes depend on type courses specifically, with the flexible class schedule from 8:00 am to 21:00 pm everyday


Main class times are below (and flexible adjusted on need basic)

Morning: 8:00-10:00;9:00-11:-- 10:00-12:00am     

Afternoon:13:00-15:00pm; 14:00-16:00; 15:00-17:00pm:

Evening:  17:30-19:30-18:00-20:00; 19:45-21:30 


The class size is 4 learners max and there is also 1-1 class, this enables the effective interaction between learners and teachers and amongst learners. There is not much difference in term of quality between direct and online study with English learning.


Online class March 2020


A cutting edge curriculum textbook will be expressly mailing to the learners. Additional soft materials will be also provided by instruction during the course. With technology feasible, the interaction between teachers and learners also are maintained with online course. The learners may limit the drawbacks by traveling and can learn English without any geographical boundary limitation.


English a language, requires the interaction. When you study with a classmate, partner, or an instructor, these enable your motivation as well as joy of learning and potentially shorten your time of study.


Class in 2021










Candidacies are encouraged undertaking the direct free test or online test and meet up with an academic counselor to select appropriate pathway and course toward to objectives 




Join us to achieve your English Target with minimum resources



Rep: 8F, Pearl Plaza, 561A-Dien Bien Phu, Ward25, Binhthanh Dist, HCM City 

Add: 25-Str 1A, KDC Thuduchouse,  Binhchieu Ward, Thuduc, HCM City 

T:+84 (08) 6927 4149-6873 4299; (028) 6290 9318 ;

Bài viết liên quan


Rep: 8F,  Pearl Plaza,  561A- Dien Bien Phu, Ward 25, Binh Thanh Dist,  HCM
Add: 25-Đ.1A, P. BinhChieu, Thuduc city, HCM City

T:  (+84 (08) 6927 4149 – 08 6873 4299 - (028) 6290 9318;


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